Close up of Derick's head. He has one eyebrow raised, a handle bar moustache (both ends point upwards, like a b-grade Salvador Dali), and wild, curly hair. It's supposed to elicit  the sense that Derick doesn't take himself too seriously.

About Derick Yearnsmith

I'm a web developer and world-wide-web enthusiast in Brisbane, Australia.

My last gig was with recruitment-tech startup TalentVine(You should check them out, they're fantastic!).

I've been hacking away in html/css since ~2004 (including some PHP and Wordpress). I got pretty good with css, using it to do dynamic stuff in place of JavaScript.

I became serious in 2020 by joining Coder Academy to skill up as a fledgling coder. They taught Ruby, Rails, JavaScript*, nodejs, React, Git, and CS fundamentals.

Since then I've leveled up my React & Rails, learned some Python, dabbled in Bash scripting and used a bunch of tools like Jira, Figma, and GitLab.

Along the way, I've also coached graduate coders in git, css, and best-practices. I love sharing coding knowledge (unless it's locked under an NDA πŸ˜‰).


  • fantastic front-ends
  • accessible apps and websites
  • graceful degradation
  • indie web charm & whacky websites
  • CSS

Also Loves:

  • building SPA's, PWA's, and other 3 letter acronyms
  • learning new systems, languages, and processes